Took a trip to Alaska recently with my family. Alaska is where I grew up, on Kodiak Island. It will forever hold a place in my heart and will forever be the place I refer to as home.
It was incredible to get back to this incredible place, camera in tow, to try and capture just some of the treasures the island has to offer.
Also, unlike most of this site, there are some personal images. It isn’t often the family all gets together these days (plus this is a place to share these images with the family)
Camp Island, Kodiak, AK
Camp Island, Kodiak, AK #seahawkair
Immature Bald Eagle, Kodiak Island, AK
(Dirty) Bald Eagle, Kodiak Island, AK
Float planes through a float plane’s floats, Anchorage, AK
Seahawk Air, Kodiak Island, AK
Camp Island, Karluk Lake, Kodiak Island, AK
Fort Abercrombie, Kodiak Island, AK
Barnes family, Kodiak Island, AK
A misty beach Kodiak Island, AK
Kodiak Island, AK